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  • On this page we will be listing all the latest information so you can stay up to date with steelhead related news and events.
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  • 09 Aug 2023 4:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    testing this page

  • 07 Jun 2012 8:25 PM | Deleted user

    The PA Steelhead Assoc. is pleased to welcome Jane Menchyk from the Western PA Conservancy and Dave Skellie from PA Sea Grant/PA Fish and Boat Commission/Lake Erie Region Conservancy as our guest speakers.  Jane and Dave have worked on several land conservation projects (purchases and donations) in the Erie area. They will share their experiences and discuss the importance of strong local partnerships in their pursuit of protecting land for multiple conservation usages. Dave and Jane will briefly talk about voluntary conservation opportunities and programs for landowners to explore including the tax benefits associated with donated conservation easements. We all have a vested interest in the preservation of these special places for current and future generations to have the opportunity to enjoy. Please join the PA Steelhead Association at the above time and location to find out how we all can benefit by working together. This meeting is open to PA Steelhead members and all interested parties.

    Jane R. Menchyk - Land Protection Specialist – Western PA Conservancy

    Over 6 years experience coordinating and conducting all aspects of real estate transactions including land protection projects (donated and purchased). Land protection experience includes development of acquisition strategies, outreach with landowners and community, management of acquisition projects, development of legal agreements, including conservation easements. Jane works with interested landowners and other conservation organizations in the Lake Erie watershed and northwest region of Pennsylvania on land protection projects for the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Jane received a B.S. in Biology from Slippery Rock University in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania.

    Dave Skellie - Coastal Land Use & Economic Specialist – PA Sea Grant/PA Fish and Boat Commission/Lake Erie Region Conservancy

    Mr. Skellie has 38 years of land use planning experience within Erie County, having served as County Planner/County Planning Director for Erie County government for 29 of those years. He serves as a board member for the Lake Erie Region Conservancy (LERC). Dave works with the PA Fish and Boat Commission in regards to their Erie Access Improvement Program. His areas of technical specialty encompass sustainable land use development initiatives, including comprehensive planning, land use regulations, the Coastal Zone Management Program, and farmland and open space preservation. Activities include serving as a liaison with watershed and governmental organizations, nonpoint-source pollution prevention, land preservation, conservation design, improved angler access, stream corridor protection, and land use-related outreach.

  • 17 Jan 2012 3:29 PM | Deleted user
    The 2012 Spring Run Banquet will be held 3/31/2012, at 6:00 at the American Legion.  There will elections, stories and food for all!  More info to come soon.
  • 17 Jan 2012 3:23 PM | Deleted user
    As several of you know, the numbers of fish that make it above Rte 5 in Walnut Creek has been very low in recent years.  There are several theories as to why this is the case.  We feel that this should be a key area of focus for the club in 2012.  We plan on working with the PA Fish and Boat to restore fish to the upper stretches.  We will keep you posted as we come up with more ideas on how to accomplish this.
    tight lines, Steve B
  • 23 Oct 2011 6:48 PM | Deleted user
    Commission to Host Meeting for Erie Landowners
    to Explain Public Fishing Access Program
    Harrisburg, PA – Private landowners in Erie who own stream frontage on Four Mile, Conneaut, Crooked, Elk, Walnut and Twenty Mile creeks are encouraged to attend an upcoming public meeting to explain the benefits of the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s (PFBC) public fishing access and conservation easement programs.
    The meeting will be held on Nov. 1 at 7 p.m. in the Big Green Screen Theater at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, 301 Peninsula Drive, Erie. It is being hosted by the PFBC and PA Sea Grant.
    “Acquiring public access easements is part of the agency’s strategy to improve public fishing areas and ensure that the public has access to these opportunities,” said Jackie Kramer, the statewide fishing and boating access coordinator for the PFBC Bureau of Boating and Access. “Private landowners interested in providing public access for anglers and learning how this easement purchase program operates are encouraged to attend.”
    A public fishing easement is a voluntary and permanent legal contract between the landowner and the Fish and Boat Commission. The easement typically provides a 35-foot corridor along a stream bank that allows the public to wade in or walk along the stream bank for the purpose of fishing. The landowner continues to own and control the land. 
    Landowners interested in attending should RSVP to Dave Skellie at PA Sea Grant at 814-490-3248 or by email at by October 28.
  • 05 Oct 2011 9:05 PM | Deleted user
    The regular monthly meeting is at 7 pm , October 12, well be held at the American Legion Post 773 at 4109 West 12th Street in Erie. We are asking all volunteers as well as any one interested in the Steelhead Expo, November 5, to please attend. The topics covered will be of great importance to volunteers, as ditties will be discussed. All volunteers will receive an event T-shirt for volunteering.
    The November General meeting will be postponed to December 14, and our speaker will be Ken Anderson PAFBC Habitat Biologist.
    The Board and officers look forward to seeing you.
  • 30 Jun 2011 3:52 PM | Deleted user

    Session Daze Mast


    Upcoming PennFuture Events:

    Save the dates for these PennFuture events:

    • PennFuture's Annual Post Election Forum 2011
      Harrisburg, PA - 11/15

    Pain for taxpayers, pleasure for gas drillers - again
    Pennsylvania's just-approved budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year makes deep cuts to basic and higher education, social services, healthcare, the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (which was cut $3 million more than the governor proposed) and the Department of Environmental Protection among other programs.

    The budget once again does not include a drilling tax or impact fee on the gas drillers. Pennsylvania infamously remains the only major gas drilling state without a drilling tax or fee. ExxonMobil, Shell, Chesapeake and othersundefinedsome of the largest and most profitable corporations on the planetundefinedare expanding their deep gas operations in Pennsylvania. These corporations pay the tax everywhere else and expect to pay it here. And 70 percent of Pennsylvanians want the industry to pay the tax.

    A hot summer on the home front
    The budget slashed state funding to every school district in the state. You can see the hit to your schools here. Funding for state colleges and universities was also cut.

    While the gas drillers laugh all the way to the bank, taxpayers will now be hit with higher property taxes and will still find their districts forced to lay off teachers, increase class sizes and drop important programs. Parents hoping to equip their children for economic success will face higher college tuition that may force many families to delay or abandon the dream of a college education.

    Summer back home may be really hot for legislators as they try to explain to their constituents their choice of cutting funding for education, environmental protection, and other vital government services, while once again failing to tax the gas drillers.

    No help coming from the Marcellus Shale Commission
    Governor Corbett effectively threw cold water on last-minute efforts to enact a drilling tax or fee as part of the budget when he again vowed to veto any bill that contained a tax. He said he wanted to receive the recommendations of his hand-picked Marcellus Shale Commission that are expected in late July. But the governor knows full well that there will be no recommendation on a drilling tax. Lt. Governor Cawley decreed that consideration of a drilling tax was off the table before the deliberations even started.

    Partners for jobs
    Legislation that will expand the nationally recognized Pennsylvania Industry Partnerships program and enshrine the program into law is heading to the governor's desk. Industry partnerships are collaborations between business, labor, and government to address job training needs, and improve the competitiveness of local businesses. These partnerships are important to the development of green jobs.

    Senator Mike Brubaker (R-Lancaster and Chester) is the prime sponsor of Senate Bill 552.

    Preserving the past, priming the future
    Senator Lloyd Smucker (R-Lancaster and York) has introduced bipartisan legislation that would create tax credits for the rehabilitation of historic commercial buildings. Senate Bill 1150 would allow up to a 25 percent tax credit against qualified rehabilitation expenses. Both the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and the Department of Community and Economic Development must approve projects seeking the tax credit.

    Pennsylvania's tremendous stock of historic buildings is a fundamental part of our sense of place, our quality of life and our economy. Yet we are a national laggard in providing state incentives for the rehabilitation of historic buildings, investments that could play a vital role in the revitalization of older communities and stem the loss of farmland and open space due to sprawl. Pennsylvania is one of four states east of the Mississippi River that tax income but lack a tax credit for rehabilitating historic commercial buildings.

    Stop Smeargate against climate scientists
    The board of directors of the American Association for the Advancement of Science issued a statement on Wednesday calling for an end to harassment of climate scientists that has included death threats, litigation and personal attacks. The statement highlighted the ongoing vicious harassment of Penn State's Dr. Michael Mann, who has endured at least four investigations of the integrity of his work and been vindicated by every one of them.

    See you July 15
    With the Pennsylvania legislature ready to blow this pop stand for two months, the Podcast and Session Daze are off to the shore - but just for a short while. You won't hear from them next week, but stay tuned. It's going to be a long hot summer and the two will be back - tanned, rested, and ready to do their part.

    The staff and board of PennFuture wish all a safe and happy Independence Day, and hope everyone will pay special attention to our great Constitution, especially the First Amendment and the right to petition the government for redress of grievances.

    PennFuture's Session Daze is designed to be a brief, informative and occasionally humorous look at public policy in Pennsylvania. Please visit our
    website for more information about PennFuture.

  • 12 Apr 2011 6:12 PM | Deleted user
    Fish & Boat Commission Announces
    Hotline to Report Suspected Pollution Incidents
    Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) today introduced a new toll-free hotline for the public to report suspected pollution incidents or fish kills.
    The number – 1-855-FISH-KIL (1-855-347-4545) – provides the public with a way to quickly alert PFBC staff to suspected environmental incidents, according to Board President William Worobec.
    “Timely notification is the number one critical factor in dealing with suspected pollution cases and protecting our aquatic resources,” he said. “The sooner we know about an incident, the sooner we can evaluate it and, if necessary, implement a response plan. As more time passes between an incident and our evaluation, we reduce our chances of clearly indentifying the source of the suspected pollutant. ”
    President Worobec emphasized that the number is to be used only for reporting suspected cases of pollution or fish kills and is not meant for general inquires related to license sales, boat registrations or other agency issues.
    “We want the public to be vigilant and to help us protect our aquatic resources,” he said. “But we also expect them to be responsible and to use the hotline only for its intended purpose.”
    Callers using the hotline – which is available for use - will be directed to the PFBC’s Bureau of Law Enforcement in Harrisburg, where staff will answer calls from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Calls received after hours or on weekends will be sent to a voice mailbox where the caller can leave a message. PFBC staff will review voice messages and respond as soon as possible.
    If someone spots a suspected incident and believes it is an immediate threat to public safety or the environment, they should dial 911 or the Department of Environmental Protection’s emergency number at 1-800-541-2050.
    For non-emergency questions, please call or visit:
    • Licensing – (877) 707-4085
    • Boat Registration/Titling – (866) 262-8734, (866-BoatReg)
    • Boating Safety Education Courses – (888) 723-4741, (888-PaFish1)
    • General Questions – (717) 705-7800
    • Frequently Asked Questions and electronic comments – The Fishing Hole -
    To assist the public with understanding this new resource, the PFBC has prepared a list of Frequently Asked Questions, which appear on the PFBC website at:
    The mission of the Fish and Boat Commission is to protect, conserve, and enhance the Commonwealth’s aquatic resources and provide fishing and boating opportunities. For more information about fishing and boating in Pennsylvania, please visit our website at  
    For more information, contact:
    Eric Levis
  • 06 Apr 2011 2:16 PM | Deleted user

    Don't miss this event about Marcellus Shale drilling!
    This workshop will give grassroots conservation and watershed groups, concerned citizens and volunteers legal tools needed to protect our water and ensure Marcellus Shale gas drilling is done responsibly.


    • Wastewater and stormwater permits and permit appeals
    • Clean water enforcement
    • Land use and zoning

    Presentations by attorneys from:

    • PennFuture
    • Earthjustice
    • Delaware Riverkeeper Network
    • Three Rivers Waterkeeper
    • Environmental Law Clinics of the University of Pittsburgh Law School and Columbia University Law School

    Date & time:
    Saturday, April 16
      Registration, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
      Program, 9:00 a.m. - noon

    Place: Wilkes-Barre
    King's College, Burke Auditorium

    Cost: Free for PennFuture members and students with ID; $10 for others

       Space is limited.
       Pre-registration is required.

           Register online or by
           calling 717-214-7920.

    More important info:

    • Breakfast will be available.
    • Resource materials will be provided.
    • Three CLE credits are available for attorneys.
    • Free parking is available. a day of it!
    Take advantage of Wilkes-Barre's new bike share program and visit the city's newly renovated River Common.
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