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PSA 2023 Meetings

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The April 12th meeting was the last meeting of this seasons cycle before the summer.

Meetings will resume in August right before we gear up for the fall Steelhead season. 

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April 12th, 2023 Meeting

The April Program Speaker was Amidea Daniel!

Amidea introduced us to PATU’s Women, Diversity, and Inclusion work that has been occurring over the last 3.5+ years.  She shared the importance of R3 (Recruitment, Retainment, and Reactivation of anglers/members), the importance of always thinking of a participant’s “next steps” after each program, a few “case studies” of groups making R3 work, and how “next level” programs, like Steelhead fishing plays a role!   Diversity covers many avenues from age, gender, social and economic backgrounds, to ethnic, and family backgrounds, and much more.  Just as diversity is important for healthy stream ecosystems, so too is its importance for organizations like ours, in order to sustain the hard work, and dedication to the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the waters we love, and enjoy.

She sent along many links to her topics of discussion:

Recruit, Retain, Reactivate (R3) information

Outdoor Recreation Adoption Model(ORAM) (15 minute video on how people adopt new activities/continue)

Mapping R3 Efforts on the ORAM (22 minute video sharing information on Recruit, Retain, Reactivate (R3) efforts and how it relates to the ORAM)

Quick reference - Fishing program planning steps, forms, and more

Fishing Instructor Page (Also found on the FSI Required attachment.  This page includes the steps to take for each program.)

  1. Register your program

  2. Report results of your program

Connect with local Trout Unlimited Chapters (Chapters often offer free fishing/fly fishing/fly tying programs.  A great community resource!)

PFBC Resources

  • PFBC Mobile App - FREE mobile App (FishBoatPA) – Please help spread the word of this app to customers you come in contact with.  It houses the fishing regulations, stocked trout water locations – complete with directions, fish ID and more!

  • PFBC Activities & Education Portal – FREE, printable, PFBC education resources by topic (10 topics).  Each page has coloring pages, activities/crafts, PA League of Angling Youth newsletters, Videos, additional resources.

  • Fish First Certificate – This is a certificate you can print, if you choose, to provide to anglers who catch their first fish.

  • Fishing Tackle Loaner Sites – Find a fishing tackle loaner site near you!

    • Interested in working with a community organization to set-up a Fishing Tackle Loaner site in your area?

  • Contact your PFBC Region Education office to learn more!

PFBC Social media – Stay connected with PFBC!

  • PFBC FaceBook page   - Stay connected to PFBC updates, upcoming program announcements, video series, and more!

  •  PFBC Instagram – Yet another way to stay connected to what we are doing!  See you on the water!

  • PFBC YouTube Channel – Don’t forget to check out all of our Video Playlists!  They include everything from virtual field trips, how to fish for…different species of fish, fly tying, fly fishing equipment basics, ice fishing, how to draw fish, PLAY newsletter read-along series, and much more!


PFBC maps

  • Fishing near you  - A series of interactive maps to find fishing/boating locations.

  • Where to fish - Good locations to fish by fish species.  Selected based on our biologist’s research on the specific fish population.

  • PFBC Lake Habitat Maps - Find a lake close to you and check out the habitat map.  Many of our habitat structures are near shore to provide anglers, who are not able to fish from a boat, an opportunity to catch fish as well.  Each habitat structure has a GPS coordinate associated with it to make the easy to locate for great fishing experiences!

Amidea Daniel | NC Region Outreach Education Coordinator

Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission | Bureau of Outreach, Education and Marketing

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March 8th 2023 Membership meeting was a “Tribute to Bob Hetz” 

Eight gentlemen that worked with Bob Hetz and new him well reminisced and told stories about Bob. How hard he worked and some of the creative ways he raised money and feed his fish were the common themes over all it was a great tribute to the man who raised over 4.5 million fish for 3-C-U!

Pictured above are Marty Grzasko, Mike Felege, Don Clayton, Mark Signorino, Frank Scicchitano, Ed Kissell, Ron Dombrowiak and Jim Simonelli. Each told wonderful stories about Bob’s years of 3-C-U involvement.

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Sara Stahlman was the Presenter for th PSA February 8th, 2023 Membership Meeting

Sara Stahlman - Sea Grant Extension Leader

This was Sara’s 6th presentation to our membership over the last 8 ½ years. She discussed what Sea Grant is and does and “What’s new in Aquatic Invasive Species? New Species, Projects, and Problems.” Sea Grant promotes the sustainability of Pennsylvania ecological and economical coastal and watershed resources through science based research education and outreach.

Sara first defined what AIS or Aquatic Invasive Species are: non-native species that cause harm, economically or ecologically. She then explained that often enter the great lakes through the ballast of cargo ships from the Caspian/Black Sea area. Efforts are being made to define ballast water standards and technology to test and enforce them.

Locally “hitchhiking” on boats, trailer & gear transfers AIS as well as people dumping aquariums and pets in the wild. Sea Grant has developed “Clean Your Gear” fact sheets, as well as “Landing Blitz” fact sheets on prevention steps:  

  1. Clean – inspect & clean any visible aquatic plants

  2. Draw – from bilge, livewell, motor, & bait containers or buckets    

  3. Dry – for at least 5 days; wipe with     

  4. Dispose of unwanted bait in TRASH

( ( ),

Some of these fact sheets can be found at

A Bait ID guide has also been developed for invasive species bait fish, for fish such as the Round goby which are often mistaken for Sculpin:

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January 11, 2023 Zoom Presenter:

Fran Verdoliva - “DEC Stocking Strategy and Programs for the salmon River Fishery


Born in Oswego, N.Y., Fran's early fascination with fish and fishing began with the waters around Lake Ontario, where much of his fisheries work continues.

His fly fishing commenced while he was young enough to run a paper route, the proceeds from which going mostly to support his growing tackle needs. As he was developing as a serious fly rodder, he found the Delaware River and as a still youthful angler, he spent much time there, on the Beaverkill and other Catskill waters.

Graduating from Syracuse University, he did further work in outdoor education and natural resource management, all while beginning to earn a living guiding and otherwise working in the fishing world. Fifteen more years of guiding nearly took Fran firmly into the private sector working in the fishing business. This valuable experience and his keen natural awareness of the great potential of the Great Lakes fishery all served him well. He was often called upon to counsel with the New York DEC on fisheries and natural resource matters. He became a specialist with DEC, leading to his work with the hatchery at Altmar.

Verdoliva inducted into Fly Fishing Hall of Fame | Sports |

Fran was instrumental in the first dam removal project on any Lake Ontario tributary. This venture soon proved to be key in restoring valuable Brook Trout spawning habitat to that stream.

He was responsible for the first "fly fishing only" section on public water in New York in 1989.

He was the lead person on a comprehensive habitat analysis of lands around Lake Ontario. His efforts as a spokesman for the fish pioneered the teaching of anglers that the big Pacific Salmon that entered the Lake Ontario feeder streams might indeed be taken using tradition al sport fishing methods and tackle. He championed this at a time when many said snagging of these fish be allowed to continue. Fran's ethics and his resolution were ultimately key in the implementation of the "no snagging" regulations in place today, and in providing the great fishing to be found around Lake Ontario today.

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PA Steelhead Association

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