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The following link is your glorious resource to the region, courtesy of the PFBC.

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*Public Fishing Easements are marked. Any stream with multiple public access points receives Steelhead stockings throughout the regular season. Many "spawned out" Steelhead are stocked by the PFBC in the spring season.

Anywhere a bridge crosses a creek, that has public access, is a great place to fish in the spring time for Steelhead and Brown Trout.

** Interactive easement map and Brief descriptions courtesy:

 Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission

**  Printable map and expanded descriptions courtesy:

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Lake Erie Tributaries (PA Waters)

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Western Erie County

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Conneaut Creek

Conneaut Creek is the stream furthest to the west in Erie County. The mouth of this creek is at Conneaut Harbor in Conneaut, Ohio. It is stocked with steelhead by both Ohio and Pennsylvania fish authorities and by PFBC Cooperative Nurseries. Much of this creek is located in Ohio. It enters Erie County south of Interstate 90 and a good distance south of the Lake, and winds through rural lands to beyond Albion, Pennsylvania. It is the only approved trout water south of Erie within the county.



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Turkey Creek

Turkey Creek is located in northwestern Erie County and flows into Ohio.


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Raccoon Creek

Raccoon Creek is a small stream that holds some steelhead. Its mouth is located west of the town of North Springfield, just west of Elmwood Home Road (Township Road 324). Raccoon is not an approved trout stream and it is not stocked with "regular" trout for the trout season. However, there is evidence of natural reproduction of trout in this creek. Occasionally the PFBC puts spawned-out steelhead in Raccoon Creek near Ellis Road. Most of Raccoon runs through wooded lands, and portions run through State Game Lands 314. Because of its small size and because it runs primarily through woods, Raccoon drains quickly and can be fishable when the larger creeks are too high or muddy from recent rain or runoff.



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Crooked Creek

Crooked Creek is the third largest of the western creeks and holds a good population of steelhead. Its mouth is located east of Holiday Road (Township Road 342) and Virginia's Beach, and north of Camp Fitch. Exiting Interstate 90 at the East Springfield exit (Exit 2; Route 215) and traveling north on Route 215 will take you to the lower reaches of Crooked Creek. Turning east from Route 215 onto either Route 20 or Route 5 will take you over the creek.



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Elk Creek

Elk Creek is the largest and most popular of the Erie County tributary streams. It enters Lake Erie about one-half mile west of State Route 18 in Girard Township. Elk starts south of the Town of McKean. It flows under Interstate 79 at the McKean exit (Exit 39), under West Road (State Road 3020) in the Village of Sterrettania, under State Route 98 at Folly's End Campground south of the Town of Fairview, under a scenic covered bridge on Gudgeonville Road (Township Route 400), then northwest through a mostly wooded area passing under Interstate 90, then north under U.S. Route 20 in Girard and under U.S. Route 5 in Lake City and on to Lake Erie.




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Godfrey Run

Godfrey Run is a nursery water and fishing in the creek is prohibited. However, fishing in Lake Erie at the mouth of Godfrey for steelhead is popular when lake conditions are favorable. The mouth of Godfrey can be accessed from Fairplain Road (Township Road 4031), which loops around south of Route 5.



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Trout Run

Trout Run is a nursery water and fishing in the creek is prohibited. However, the mouth of Trout Run is the most popular place for shore fishing in the lake for steelhead. The Fish and Boat Commission maintains a nursery upstream on Trout Run, where it raises and milks steelhead. Thousands of steelhead return to Trout Run every year. This provides excellent fishing for steelhead when the fish school off the mouth trying to enter this relatively small and shallow creek. 



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Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek is the second largest and second most popular creek for steelhead fishing. Walnut begins south of the Millcreek Mall (which is just east of the Kearsarge exit, Exit 41, of Interstate 79). It flows northwest through Millcreek Township, north through Fairview Township and enters Lake Erie east of the town of Fairview.




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Cascade Creek

Cascade Creek is a small stream that runs through the City of Erie. It is tubed through part of the City. Cascade Creek empties into Presque Isle Bay just west of the Niagara Pier condominiums. Cascade Creek is stocked with trout during the regular trout season. It is stocked from its mouth, through Frontier Park, to just south of West 8th Street.



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Eastern Erie County

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Fourmile Creek

Fourmile Creek fishing access is limited to north of the bridge at Lawrence Park Golf Course. Fishing access is available only by walk-in on the west side of the stream. Shore fishing available. No restroom facilities.



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Sixmile Creek

Posted Property: No Fishing


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Sevenmile Creek

Walk in fishing only. Parking is available on State Route 5. Fishing access is available on either side of the stream courtesy of the Benedictine Sisters who own the property on both sides. Shore fishing available. No restroom facilities.



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Eightmile Creek

Very limited steelhead fishing available here and what there is depends on water levels. Shore fishing is available. Access this area via Shades Beach via State Route 5. Property is owned by Harborcreek Township and is open dusk to dawn. No restroom facilities.


Twelvemile Creek

Fishing is available from State Route 5 and north to the lake. Shore fishing available. This is a good steelhead fishery. Property is owned by Harborcreek Township and has ample parking. No restroom facilities



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Sixteenmile Creek

Fishing is available from the sewage treatment plant north to the lake. Shore fishing is available. This is a Northeast Township. Park and has adequate parking. The concession facility is closed during steelhead season. No restroom facilities.



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Orchard Beach Creek

Orchard Beech Creek is a nursery water and fishing in the creek is prohibited.

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Twentymile Creek

This area is the largest steelhead fishery on the east side of Erie with fishing access to the New York state line. It has some pockets of posted property, especially south of the State Route 5 Bridge and south of the railroad tubes south of State Route 20. Good shore fishing at the lake. Restroom facilities are available at the angler parking area on the west side of the steam north of State Route 5. This is a Northeast Township Park and has ample parking.



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